神奈川三崎市 三崎漁港でカワハギフェスティバル カワハギを釣る!!カワハギフェスティバル   Kawaga Festival at Misaki fishing port in Kanagawa Misaki shi ci Kawahagi

2017-12-24 17

今年のカワハギフェスタは 総勢189名(招待選手含む)の今年のカワハギフェスタは 総勢189名(招待選手含む)のエントリーがあり過去最大人数の開催となりました。


その後、9隻の釣り船に乗り込み各船カワハギ釣りのポイントに向けて出港。各船からすぐにカワハギの釣果の声が届き船中多くのカワハギが上がりました。 大会ではありますが、カワハギ釣りが初めての方に対して「スクール船」を用意し、「釣りの楽しさ」を伝えるべく、釣りのエキスパート達が親切丁寧にレクチャーし多くの魚が釣れました

This year's Kawahagi Festa was held with a maximum of 189 people (including invited players) entries.

Although the sea surface seemed rough with the influence of the south wind which blew strongly from the previous day, the day changed to the north wind, the situation of the ocean improved and the tournament was done without problem although there was chilling. Participating players made rows before the reception hours, and it was a lively opening ceremony with opening remarks from hanging Jenne dental prospect secretary.

After that, boarded 9 fishing boats and departed for each ship Kawahagi fishing point. Voice of the fishery of Kawai Hagi reached from each ship soon, and many Kawa Hagi got up on the ship. Although it is a tournament, fishing experts gently carefully lectured to catch many fish to prepare a "school ship" for those who were new to Kawahagi fishing and to inform "fun of fishing".ました。

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